Databases vs. Websites
Library databases get their information from professionals or experts in the field. | Websites may be written by anyone regardless of expertise. |
Library databases contain published works where facts are checked. | Website content is not necessarily checked by an expert. |
Library databases are easy to cite in a bibliography and may create the citation for you. | Websites often don’t provide the information necessary to create a complete citation. |
Library databases can help you narrow your topic or suggest related subjects. | Websites often aren’t organized to support a student’s research needs. |
Library databases are updated frequently and include the date of publication. | Websites may not indicate a copyright date or when it was last updated. |
When researching, go to the online databases and encyclopedias first for credible, expert information. If you need more information, use the recommended search engines below.
Recommended Search Engines:
Click on the icons to access.
Here you can search for and learn about: art, social sciences, social issues, social problems, and history.
An academic search engine created for students.